Action Selection Page of the Integration Wizard

Use this page to select the data type you want to import from the schedule.

Note: You can import only project data when importing from files. You must select at least one option to continue.


Field Description
Ancillary Data

Select one of the following check boxes if you want to import ancillary data using a scheduling tool:

  • Codes — Select this option to create or update codes in a code file.
  • Resources and Rates — Select this option to update resources in a code file and rates in a code file.
Project Data

Select one of the following check boxes if you want to import project data using a scheduling tool:

  • Control Account and Work Package — Select this option to create or update control accounts and/or work packages
  • Code Assignments and User Fields — Select this option to update code assignments and user fields on control accounts and/or work packages.
  • Resource Assignments — Select this option to create or update budget or forecast data on resource assignments.
    Note: If you select Resource Assignments, Control Account and Work Packages is selected automatically.
  • Status — Select this option to update actual dates and percent complete.
  • Notes — Select this option to import notes.
    Note: This option is not supported when importing from Open Plan. Use the Schedule Mapping page to select an Open Plan note category to import.